Enter the exciting supernatural world of Filipino folklore comics with Trese

As an Englishman, who has lived most of my life in Asia, please allow me to share with you the riches of Filipino comics. And please take note, because numerous Filipino creators have made names for themselves in the international comic book scene. In fact, a comic by two of them Budjette Tan author and Kajo Baldisimo artist, will soon debut on Netflix. Credit: Budjette Tan from Rick Olivares Introduction to Journalism course. When we talk about comic books, we normally think of the American, DC or Marvel universes, or the darker European works by Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman etc. even the Japanese anime scene. However, the comic universe gains from every worldview it engulfs, so get ready; the Filipinos have arrived. The comic TRESE Vol. 1 : Murder on Balete Drive , delves into local Filipino folklore. Growing up with English folklore hearing of the ‘troll’ under the bridge, the ‘will-o'-the-wisp in the marshes’ etc. these visions were exciting and real. Arriving in the Phili...